Safeguarding in the Age of Gender Disinformation, Dissociation, & External Validation Seeking
Recover Your Instincts & Cultivate Resilience with Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology
Get instant access →Perhaps you're aware of the harms the gender identity industry is causing women and girls, and the predatory strategies at play.
The disembodiment crisis has gone beyond common issues women and girls have faced in decades past; anorexia, cutting, illegal drugs and alcohol.
We're now confronted with institutionally sanctioned self-hate and the denial of biological reality.
In addition, women and girls are being programmed to regard their instinctual disgust towards men who masquerade as women, as paranoia and bigotry.
While awareness is slowly being raised, many are still embedded in the medical industrial complex, DSM diagnoses, prescription medications and outdated therapeutic models.
Culturally, we're beginning to see the consequences of what isn't working, so, where do we go from here?
What can we do to fortify ourselves and our daughters in a socio-political climate that enforces the ludicrous idea that sex is spectrum and our bodies are simply Mr./Ms. Potato Head parts that can be mixed, matched, and discarded?!
How do we teach our girls to occupy their bodies instead of abandoning them?
What are the practical, actionable things we can do in our day-to-day lives?
With her robust background in depth psychology, and nearly a decade of activism advocating for the safety and wellbeing of women and girls, in this class, Amy Sousa provides the foundation to recover your instincts and build resilience in the age of gender disinformation and disembodiment.

Who is this class for?
✓ Embodied mothers and their daughters 12 years+
✓ Women looking for an in-depth understanding of exactly how our instincts are being exploited in the age of gender identity disinformation and what we can do about it!
✓ Those curious about embodiment tools and building a strong internal authority system.
✓ Women's healthcare providers looking to hone their understanding of how gender identity ideology is the ultimate disembodiment and disempowerment.
Class Syllabus

Module 1
Meat Suit Concept
Born in the wrong body v. Born as the right body
Embodiment v. Dissociation
Compartmentalization & Dissociation

Module 2
Sensory Safeguarding and the lesser know senses
Selling Pain
Feeling v. Mental Ideation
Sensation v Mental Ideation
Build a Bear Surgeries
Instincts & Intuition

Module 3
Safeguarding as Prevention, Identification, Intervention & Support
Predicting Violence
Language of Rejection
Language of Entitlement
Language of Attachment
Thought Terminating Techniques
Misgendering Crimes

Module 4
Revulsion & Disgust Instinct
Unpacking “Protect Trans Kids” Slogan
The Empathy Trap
Being v. Seeming
Social Contagion
Role of Film, TV and Advertising

Module 5
The DSM and Gender Dysphoria
Critiques of the DSM and Psychiatry
The Problem with the Surgical Cure

Module 6
The Empty House Metaphor
Confidence and Competence
Imagination & Play as Internal Authority Building Practices
Internal v. External Technologies
Boundaries: Me v. Not Me
After taking this class you'll:
➊ Understand the evolutionary role that instincts and intuition play in safeguarding
Learn how corporations and institutions hijack human instincts for purposes of profit and control
Understand the key manipulation tactics used in media advertising and state propaganda
Understand individually targeted as well as institutional grooming
Learn how to stay grounded in your adaptive instincts despite the onslaught of social, news, and entertainment media attempting to influence you
➋ Gain an understanding about key developmental phases and how they contribute to internal authority and will-building
Language acquisition and authority building in early childhood
Common puberty responses and the role they play in helping young ones move from childhood to adulthood
Puberty stepping stones and stumbling blocks with a special focus on these phases for girls
Using confidence and competency to bolster internal authority and shield against undue influence
Understand how abuse/trauma arrests development
➌ Understand how transgender ideology specifically targets and impacts girls
Girls and social media
Girls and tech
➍ How the mental health industry pathologizes natural emotional responses
Girls and the Mental Health Industry
Girls and self-harm, historical examples to present day
➎ Develop resiliency building tools aka the tools of embodiment
Discern between male vs female technology OR external vs internal technology
Understand how boundaries function and develop tactics for improved boundary-setting
Understand the role of intuition especially as it pertains to boundaries and safeguarding
Tools and techniques for developing the intuition
➏ Leave the class with actionable steps:
Gain access to Amy's top books list and recommended organizations & individuals safeguarding women and girls
Learn practical tips for bolstering your instincts and intuition
Meet the Expert & Host

Amy E. Sousa, MA Depth Psychology
The Expert
Amy E. Sousa holds a MA in Depth Psychology. She is a women's rights activist, writer, lecturer, and educator, with an expertise in embodiment. She holds one-on-one coaching, teaches classes, and facilitates workshops to help women strengthen their intuition. She also posts educational videos about embodiment & boundaries on her YouTube. Sousa has organized multiple rallies, protests, and free speech events on behalf of women/girls sex-based safeguarding provisions and against the unnecessary medicalization of children: most memorably, in DC against Biden's EO on "gender identity", in NYC in front of the UN, in Atlanta at the NCAA championships with Lia Thomas, in Port Townsend for #LetJulieSwim, and in DC against the ACLU, and in Tennessee with Riley Gaines. She has testified in State legislatures, city councils, and school board meetings around the country on behalf of the safeguarding needs of women & children. For more about Amy follow her on Twitter, Instagram, & TikTok on substack, YouTube and her website.
Amy's 2021 interview: The Devastating Psychological Effects of Gender Ideology in Child Development & Society is one of the top downloaded episodes on the Whose Body Is It podcast across podcast platforms.

Isabella Malbin
Host & Moderator